The JiTCDDE module ================== **Note and remember** *that some relevant information can be found in the* `common JiTC*DE documentation`_. *This includes installation instructions, compiler issues and optimisation, general performance considerations, how to implement network dynamics and conditional statements, and a small FAQ.* Introduction ------------ JiTCDDE (just-in-time compilation for delay differential equations) is a standalone Python implementation of the DDE integration method proposed by Shampine and Thompson [ST01]_, which in turn employs the Bogacki–Shampine Runge–Kutta pair [BS89]_. JiTCDDE is designed in analogy to `JiTCODE`_ (which is handled very similarly to `SciPy’s ODE`_ (`scipy.integrate.ode`)): It takes an iterable (or generator function or dictionary) of symbolic expressions, translates them to C code, compiles them and an integrator wrapped around them on the fly, and allows you to operate this integrator from Python. Symbolic expressions are mostly handled by `SymEngine`_, `SymPy`_’s compiled-backend-to-be (see `SymPy vs. SymEngine`_ for details). This approach has the following advantages: * **Speed boost through compilation** Evaluating the derivative and the core operations of the Runge–Kutta integration happen in compiled C code and thus very efficiently. * **Speed boost through symbolic optimisation** If your derivative is automatically generated by some routine, you can simplify it symbolically to boost the speed. In fact, blatant optimisations such as :math:`y·(x-x)=0` are done on the fly by SymEngine. This is for example interesting if you want to simulate dynamics on a sparse network, as non-existing links are not taken into account when calculating the derivative when integrating. Moreover, multiple delay terms with the same delay can be handled efficiently, requiring only one look-up (see below). * **Automatically calculated Lyapunov exponents** As the derivative is provided symbolically, SymEngines’s automatic differentiation routines can be employed to obtain the DDEs for the tangent vectors, which in turn are required for for calculating the Lyapunov exponents (see `lyapunov`). * **Symbolic interface** You can enter your differential equations almost like you would on paper. Also, if you are working with SymPy or SymEngine anyway – e.g., to calculate fixed points –, you do not need to bother much with translating your equations. If compilation fails to work for whatever reason, pure Python functions can be employed as a fallback (which is much slower, however). A brief mathematic background ----------------------------- This documentation assumes that the delay differential equation (DDE) you want to solve is: .. math:: \dot{y} = f(t, y, y(t-τ_1), y(t-τ_2), …) The gist of Shampine’s and Thompson’s method [ST01]_ is this: The differential equation is integrated adaptively with the Bogacki–Shampine pair [BS89]_, like an ODE. After every successful integration step, the state and derivative of the integration (which is an automatic by-product) are stored. Whenever the derivative :math:`(f)` is evaluated, the required past states :math:`\left ( y(t-τ_1), y(t-τ_2), … \right )` are obtained through piece-wise cubic `Hermite interpolation `_, using previously stored pairs of state and derivative (“anchor”). In some extreme cases, they may also be extrapolated. Note that unlike most other DDE softwares, JiTCDDE stores and accesses the initial past in exactly this way, i.e., as anchor points. Thus, if you want to have maximum control, you have to initiate the past in exactly this way, i.e., you have to give at least two such anchor points (via `add_past_point`). If you do not want or need this, there are utility function available that automatically determine the anchors from a given function (`past_from_function`) or just set it to a fixed value (`constant_past`). You can also use the `get_state` method to obtain a representation of the past that you can dissect and modify using `CubicHermiteSpline `_. .. _example: A simple example ---------------- .. automodule:: mackey_glass .. _discontinuities: Dealing with initial discontinuities ------------------------------------ As already examplified in `example`, :math:`\dot{y}` will usually be discontinuous at the start of the integration: Before that time, it is directly defined by an Hermite interpolation of the anchors that you supply; afterwards, it is determined via evaluating :math:`f`. As future values of :math:`f` depend on the past via the delay terms, it is also non-smooth at other times, namely :math:`τ_1, τ_2, …, 2τ_1, τ_1 + τ_2, 2τ_2, …`. If an integration step contains one of these points, this may violate the conditions of Runge–Kutta integrations (for a low-order discontinuity) and makes the error estimate be very high, no matter the step size. Fortunately, the discontinuities are quickly “smoothed out” (i.e., reduced in order) with time evolution and can then be ignored. To make this happen, you have four options: * `step_on_discontinuities` chooses the integration steps such that they fall on the discontinuities. In most cases, this is the easiest and fastest solution to this problem. * `adjust_diff` smoothens out the derivative on a small time interval, effectively causing a dent in the history. A disadvantage of this is that the derivative may assume extreme values causing problems later on. If you care about what happens at early times, this is usually your best choice, but beware of `short_integrations`. * `integrate_blindly` integrates the system for some time with a fixed step size, ignoring the error estimate. You have to take care that all parameters are reasonable. This is a good choice if you have a lot of different delays or time- or state-dependent delays. The time you integrate with this should be larger than your largest delay. * Carefully choose the initial past such that the derivative for the last anchor is identical to the value of :math:`f` as determined with the anchors, i.e., there is no initial discontinuity to begin with. To find such initial conditions, you usally have to solve a non-linear equation system. This is the ideal case for short integrations as elaborated in the next subsection. .. _short_integrations: Short integrations and textbook examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A mismatch between the final slope of the initial past and the first value of `f` means that **your initial past is not described by your DDE**. If you only care about the long-term behaviour of your model irrespective of the initial conditions, this is not a problem: Your initial past has no special meaning and should not influence your results. However, if you care about how your model behaves briefly after the start of the integration, please seriously ask yourself: **Can you justify this inconsistency?** Otherwise you should modify your model or initial conditions. Mind that a small mismatch may be acceptable because you would have to build and solve a nasty non-linear equation system to avoid this – but a big one should get you thinking. An exception from this is if something special happens at :math:`t=0` that changes the rules of your system. In my opinion, the problem of initial discontinuities (and how to best handle them) is overrated in the literature on DDEs: Many examples used in textbooks or as showcases for other DDE solvers suffer from severe initial discontinuities, and other solvers go to extra lengths to handle initial discontinuties as accurately and efficiently as possible. Yet, in most cases, initial discontinuities only indicate that the problem is not well posed. As JiTCDDE was made with long-term behaviour in mind, it may therefore underperform worse at those pathologic examples. Of course, JiCDDE provides useful results also for short integrations if you use a proper initial past and model (otherwise no solver can provide useful results anyway). Delays within the step (overlap) -------------------------------- If the delay becomes shorter than the step size, we need a delayed state to evaluate `f` before we have a final result for the required interpolation anchors. With other words, the integration step depends on its own result and thus become implicit. JiTCDDE addresses this problem mainly in the same manner as Shampine and Thompson [ST01]_: * If reducing the step size by a small factor (`pws_factor`) makes it smaller than the delay, this is done. * Otherwise, the result of an integration step is calculated iteratively as follows: 1. Attempt an integration step and **extrapolate** the required delayed states from the existing results. 2. Attempt the same step again and **interpolate** the required delayed states using the result of the previous attempt. 3. If the results of the last two attempts are identical within an absolute tolerance of `pws_atol` and relative tolerance of `pws_rtol`, accept the result of the last attempt. Otherwise go to step 2. If no such convergence has happened within `pws_max_iterations`, reduce the step size by `pws_factor`. A problem of this approach is that as soon as it reduces the step size, the error estimates from the adaptive Runge–Kutta routines are not directly useful anymore since they almost always insist on increasing the step size. Ignoring this may lead to useless integration steps (and thus wasted time) due to the step size being adapted back and forth. Moreover, throttling step size increases (which is generally reasonable) may result in the step size being “trapped” at an unnecessary low value. As far as I can tell, Shampine and Thompson [ST01]_ offer no solution to this. To address this issue, JiTCDDE employs the following criteria for increasing the step size when the recommended step size (from the adaptive Runge–Kutta method) is larger than the current one: * If the shortest delay is larger than the recommended step size, the step size is increased. * If calculating the next step took less than `pws_factor` iterations and the recommended step size is bigger than `pws_factor` times the shortest delay, the step size is increased. * In all other cases, the step size is increased with a chance of `pws_base_increase_chance`. To be precise, the above sharp criteria are intentionally blurred such that the probability to increase the step size continuously depends on the mentioned factors. Finally, the parameter `pws_fuzzy_increase` determines whether the increase is actually depends on chance or is deterministic (which may be useful for some applications). This parameter and the others mentioned above can be controlled with `set_integration_parameters`. Time- and state-dependent delays -------------------------------- There is nothing in JiTCDDE’s implementation that keeps you from making delays time- or state-dependent. However, the error estimate is not accurate anymore as it does not take into account the inaccuracy caused by the changing delay. This should not be a problem if your delays change sufficiently slowly in comparison to your step size. Note that if you want to make use of this, you must provide the maximum delay manually. See `this file `_ for an example. Multi-dimensional equations and networks ---------------------------------------- While this particular documentation contains no example for a small, multi-dimensional equation, their implementation is analogous to `JiTCODE`_. An example for a two-dimensional DDE (the sunflower equation) can also be found in `the accompanying paper`_. JiTCDDE is specifically designed to be able to handle large delay differential equations, as they arise, e.g., in networks. We give an example for a network on one-dimensional oscillators below. As the caveats, tools, and tricks when doing this are the same as for JiTCODE; its documentation may be helpful to you, in particular the sections: * `Handling very large differential equations `_ * `A more complicated example `_ (featuring multi-dimensional oscillators) Example: Kuromato oscillators with distributed delays ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: kuramoto_network .. _lyapunov: Calculating Lyapunov exponents with `jitcdde_lyap` -------------------------------------------------- `jitcdde_lyap` is a simple extension of `jitcdde` that almost automatically handles calculating Lyapunov exponents by evolving separation functions. It works just like `jitcdde`, except that it generates and integrates additional differential equations for the separation functions. After every call of `integrate`, the separation functions are orthonormalised, and the “local” Lyapunov exponents for this integration step are returned alongside with the system’s state. These can then be further processed to obtain the Lyapunov exponents. The separation functions are intialised with random data, and you have to take care of the preiterations that the separation functions require to align themselves. The method employed here is similar to Farmer’s [F82]_, which in turn is an adaption of the method described by Benettin et al. [BGGS80]_ to delayed systems. As the state of delayed systems is also defined by their recent past, one has to consider the past of tangent vectors (as used in Benettin et. al.) as well, which are called separation functions. Farmer approximates these separation functions by fine equidistantly sampled recordings of the past on which he applies the standard scalar product for purposes of computing norms and orthonormalisation. This approach does not translate well to adaptive step sizes as JiTCDDE employs. Instead, JiTCDDE employs as a scalar product between two separation functions :math:`g` and :math:`h`: .. math:: \int_{t-τ_\text{max}}^t \mathcal{H}_g(\mathfrak{t}) \; \mathcal{H}_h(\mathfrak{t}) \; \mathrm{d} \mathfrak{t}, where :math:`\mathcal{H}` denotes the piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant (which is also used for obtaining past states). The matrix induced by this scalar product can largely be calculated beforehand and thus the scalar product itself can be evaluated efficiently. Note that for the limit of an infinitely fine sampling, this yields the same result as Farmer’s approach. .. automodule:: mackey_glass_lyap Be aware that the estimation of Lyapunov exponents may be considerably more sensitive numerically. Before you give up or report an issue, please follow the following protocol: 1. Run your scenario with regular `jitcdde` (i.e., without Lyapunov exponents). 2. Run your scenario just estimating the largest Lyapunov exponent (`n_lyap=1`). 3. If the integration is not successful, try to locate the point where things go awry. This may be before you actually get an error message. Look for infinite values or not-a-numbers. Reduce the respective parameters that control the frequency of resizing, namely the `max_step` parameter of `step_on_discontinuities`, the `step` parameter of `integrate_blindly`, or the sampling rate of the regular integration. 4. Increase the number of computed Lyapunov exponents one at a time. Repeat Step 3 as needed. Be aware that once you are in the negative Lyapunov exponents, it may happen that the amplitude of the next exponent is orders of magnitude higher that of the preceding one – thus requiring a much more frequent rescaling to avoid numerical underflows. As the Lyapunov vectors (separation functions) are quite difficult to interpret, they are not returned as of now (if you need them, please `make a feature request `_). There also two classes (`jitcdde_transversal_lyap` and `jitcdde_restricted_lyap`) that allows to calculate the largest transversal Lyapunov exponents to the synchronisation manifold and arbitrary hyperplanes, respectively. See the `JiTCODE documentation`_ for an example on how to use the former and `the accompanying paper`_ for a mathematical background (and another example). More Features and Examples -------------------------- JiTCDDE has several more features for which there are no extensively documented examples, but that are pretty self-explanatory. The following is a list of example scripts that may help you with specific problems: * `Laminar Chaos `_ and `State Dependent `_ are examples employing **state-dependent delays**. * `Mackey–Glass with Jumps `_ shows how to use the `jump` method to introduce discontinuities of the state. * `Simple Neutral `_ and `Neutral `_ show how to implement **neutral DDEs**. The latter additionally shows how to optimise a DDE with several delay terms with the same delay, making it considerably faster. * If you want to have **input or time-dependent parameters**, there are several options depending on the details of your problem, exemplified in `this toy problem `_: * If you want a parameter to be a straightforward function of time, you can just implement this symbolically directly in the derivative. For an example, see the “regular implementation” `here `_. * If you want a parameter to change its value at a small number of time points (jumps), you can use the techniques outlined `here `_, i.e., either use `jitcxde_common.conditional` to approximate a step function in time or change a control parameter at the desired time point (and then `adjust_diff`). * For complex time dependencies, you can use `jitcdde_input `_ `This example `_ demonstrates how to use this. * Finally, you can use a callback (see the next point). * If you want to **call a Python function** within the derivative, use the `callback_functions` argument. `This example `_ demonstrates how to use this. * If you want to do some sort of **event detection**, the best way is to use `get_state`, and use the features of `CHSPy `_ to determine the time of events as precisely as you need them. As the interpolant has the same error as the integration, you won’t gain a much better event location by integrating again at a finer step size. Particularly note the `solve`, `extrema`, and `truncate` methods of `CubicHermiteSpline`. Command reference ----------------- .. automodule:: _jitcdde :members: :exclude-members: jitcdde, jitcdde_lyap, jitcdde_restricted_lyap, jitcdde_transversal_lyap, jitcdde_input, input The main class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: jitcdde :members: :inherited-members: Lyapunov exponents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: jitcdde_lyap :members: :exclude-members: set_integration_parameters .. autoclass:: jitcdde_transversal_lyap :members: :exclude-members: set_integration_parameters .. autoclass:: jitcdde_restricted_lyap :members: :exclude-members: set_integration_parameters Input ^^^^^ Please also note `this example `_ for using this subclass. .. autofunction:: input .. autoclass:: jitcdde_input References ---------- .. _common JiTC*DE documentation: .. [ST01] L.F. Shampine, S. Thompson: Solving DDEs in Matlab, Applied Numerical Mathematics 37, pp. 441–458 (2001), `10.1016/S0168-9274(00)00055-6 `_. .. [BS89] P. Bogacki, L.F. Shampine: A 3(2) pair of Runge–Kutta formulas, Applied Mathematics Letters 2, pp. 321–325 (1989), `10.1016/0893-9659(89)90079-7 `_. .. [F82] J.D. Farmer: Chaotic attractors of an infinite-dimensional dynamical system, Physica D 4, pp. 366–393 (1982), `10.1016/0167-2789(82)90042-2 `_. .. [BGGS80] G. Benettin, L. Galgani, A. Giorgilli, and J.-M. Strelcyn: Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents for smooth dynamical systems and for Hamiltonian systems; A method for computing all of them. Meccanica 15, pp. 9–30 (1980), `10.1007/BF02128236 `_. .. _JiTCODE: .. _JiTCODE documentation: .. _SciPy’s ODE: .. _SymPy Issue 8997: .. _SymEngine: .. _SymPy: .. _SymPy vs. SymEngine: .. _the accompanying paper: